Here are this month's astrological horoscopes! Read them as messages that the cosmos has especially for you. If you know your Sun and Rising Signs read both.
February comes with thoughts of love, chocolates, and bunches of roses or posies for many of us. Unconditional love is always welcome in the receiving or the giving. Aquarius bring forward our concerns and reforms at a societal level and Virgo allows us to take care in our diligence in what we bring forward for ourselves and those we love. Air and earth are the media for creation. Our relationship with the Universe is reciprocal. What will you extend to the Universe this month?
 If you would enjoy a full astrological reading, click here to schedule a reading with Theresa Varela | Spiritual Consultations.
Aries/Aries Rising
Transformative changes in your larger community encourages you to scrutinize your own self of sense and excesses of material desires and realities. Going deep into your chosen recesses can aid you during this process to create balance as you strive to achieve in your daily patterns and processes.
Taurus/Taurus Rising
Getting a handle on yourself and how you deal with life and how you project in the world of your calling can help as you explore those connections in society. Take time for a special meditation on your vision and the panorama of your societal relations.
Gemini/Gemini Rising
This may be the time for travel or entering the realm of higher education or knowledge bringing you loftier potentials. Use the cosmic energies for creation of the balance of thought and feeling already learned with the mystics of your calling- making you feel at home with both.
Cancer/Cancer Rising
Much can be done with owning your desires while incorporating the involvement of others. Feelings and realities may seem at odds. Swim through them with your emotional strengths. Your relationships with siblings and children can bolster your decision-making in signing contracts in areas where your life will be catapulted.
Leo/Leo Rising
The spotlight is on your relationships and how they affect your dreams. Don’t forget to share the light of the sun on yourself, leo. Being clear in your domain can create balance as others in your sphere may not be as clear. Remember the art of sharing and sharing alike.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
You are posed for startling new solutions for you daily patterns and your usual dance in life that may announce a need for shaking things up for your good. Know what you need to fulfill your destiny and its relation to others in your personal and business life. Let others know where you stand.
Libra/Libra Rising
You may make some startling discoveries about your creations and creative life in general. You may be signing contracts so give those the importance of your acute involvement. Be pristine in caring for yourself as your creativity takes on more space and visibility in your daily life.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
There’s more to be revealed in your place of home and lineage. Look to how this knowledge or lack thereof influences your relationships in a dramatic way. Your creative visions whether on canvas or stroller will be increasingly visible and seen in the larger community.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
Prepare for fireworks in your closest relationships that clamor for time and attention in your daily life. Who or what you have been molded to be may be in direct contrast with who you or what you do on the worlds’ stage thanks to your commitment to your work.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
Revelations about yourself and how you relate to the materials and possessions in your life will surface, bringing along feelings that you may not usually encounter. Continuing to work on the details, especially in terms of communication, may have a profound manifestation in the larger scope of your existence.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
You may experience a total personal transformation that is contrary to what and who you have been until now. Going deep gives you the strengths you deserve. Go with it and realize your potentials in the world. Birth, death, rebirth. Breathe!
Pisces/Pisces Rising
The Universes is providing you the opportunity to do deep into your soul if you allow yourself to do so. The sense of limits or lack of vision you may feel will benefit by meditation and light. To know thyself may take time from others; however, taking care of yourself benefits all.