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March Monthly Horoscopes

March heralds in the eclipse season and the first we experience is the penumbral lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024. Libra speaks to us of our relationships and how we balance situations and people. We tend to think that Libra automatically gives us harmony; however, Libra provides us the opportunity to create balance and decisiveness in our lives. We reset the zodiacal wheel in March, as well, as we enter into Aries season. Aries is representative of the new, the I, allowing for perfect contrast with Libra who is its counterpart in our charts. How will you fare this month?  Read both your Sun and Rising Signs if you know them both. Contact me for a personal astrological reading. I’d love to be on the journey with you! Click here to schedule a reading with Theresa Varela | Spiritual Consultations.

Aries & Aries Rising

We are stepping into Aries territory this month and are encouraged to go deep, reflecting on our inner selves, and the wisdoms we have gathered as we prepare to move toward the restart of the zodiacal year. Examine where you are headed and what has been healed as you head into a very powerful time of the year.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

The focus for you this month is in your social community. Remind yourself of the greater visions you have held within. Take time to start a new health regime and engage in daily patterns that will enhance the inner you that is about to emerge.  

Gemini & Gemini Rising

This month speaks to the place you’ve built in the world. What is the podium you stand on and what is your message? Your community needs you and wants to hear your messages of creativity and greater vision.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Will your desires for fulfilling your destiny in travel, wisdom, or education come true? Knowing thyself and where you stand in the world has much to do with your upbringing and heritage. Working with the light of the full moon can help reveal that information to you.

Leo & Leo Rising

This month will be the test for longevity and how you share deeply with those in-depth relationships you’ve forged. It can provide the medium for you to balance your higher self and you closest relationships.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Have your relationships been illusory or hard to pin down? Or is your thinking making them seem as such? Be clear in your delivery. What you value is most important as you link forces with your closest loved ones.


 Libra & Libra Rising

Your daily patterns may seem at odds as to where you are headed in terms of the relationships you will be entering. Knowing yourself intimately may seem challenging but is of great value to you. You may ask yourself, where am I going and where have I been?

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

This is a great month to pour your deepest imaginations into your creations, whether they be your paintings, poetry, or progeny. Make sure to care for the hidden parts of yourself during this life changing month.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Get to know what drives you personally that is inherited from your lineage. Make sure that your heart is in the activities that you pour energy into. Being true to yourself is essential.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

As you plan and organize, have you considered the impact on a sibling or your close community. Ask what they feel. What you are attending to will clarify your place in the world and where you feel you are in your element.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Sometimes you have to consider yourself at the personal level and this is one of those times. Going deep can help you to manifest your greatest visions. Whether you examine yourself by traveling by air or on the pages of a book, new vistas will provide you great information.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Look at you, Pisces! Seriously, look at yourself keenly and see how what is revealed can help you determine what is important in your life. Observe as that knowledge flows positively in your deepest relationship.

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