The Wind:
Graciella's sends us our message through the air, in the form of wind, this week. We herald in a New Year, and we resolve to do things differently or if we are content with how the previous years have treated us, or us them, we decide to maintain status quo. Graciella suggests that we listen to the messages of changing times. There will be significant changes in the world as we know it and by keeping our ears closed, in discomfort or fear or whatever our reasons, we can miss out on our own personal messages beneficial for ourselves and for our societies and our planet. We may need guidance on how to respond in a compassionate and loving manner or how to extend our hands to those who are eager to hear our words. Graciella's overarching message is always about love and compassion. She urges us to act in kindness to ourselves and to others.
In grace to serve,
Graciella and Theresa