The Writer: Graciella shares with us her narrative within her oracle. If we are sensitive and open to her messages, we are gifted with a perspective of someone who has lived many lives and who is willing to share her wisdoms with those of us who are seeking answers. Today, Graciella asks us if we are mindful of our own narratives. Do we create our stories with intention or do we merely go from one task to the next, never considering our legacies. She points out that some of the chapters of our stories will be humorous, others tragic, and still others will enrich the lives of those who come behind us with depths of knowledge and understanding. Consider for yourself, the writing of your narrative. For yourself. Many of us declare that we have a story to tell. She encourages us to know our own lives profoundly and read our narratives to ourselves. Will you like what you hear? Will you be disturbed by the choices you have made? Will you have pride in the life you have co-constructed with Spirit? Learn and love your story.
With blessings and love,
Graciella and Theresa
If you are interested in a spiritual or astrological consultation, please feel free to contact me at Theresa Varela | Spiritual Consultations