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Graciella's Weekly Message

Graciella la Gitana Oracle©

The Gatherer:

Graciella reminds us to gather our worries, our regrets, and our pain. Take these and acknowledge them and the depths to which they've affected us. We can then decide whether we want to carry these in our burden satchels or whether we want to discard of them where they will no longer plague us. We frequently desire a quick fix to our maladies. We wish them to be gone and make statements such as "This too shall pass" and, indeed, this is so. However, some of our needs can only be attended to by giving them the attention they deserve. Once you have created your burden basket, sift through it and determine what you may discard for today. Is it the flippant careless remark someone made to you that you continue to hold as it deepened a childhood pain? Is it the belief that you are unable to make the mark in your profession? Is it the fear that you will never have enough? Choose one that no longer serves who you are today. Release it into the earth, into a fire, wash it away in a river, or speak it out into the breeze. By releasing it, it will no longer hold the same power over you as it once did. Letting go is the partner of gathering. Make your choice with love in your eyes toward your own reflection.

With love and the light of cerulean blue waters,

Graciella and Theresa

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