Graciella la Gitana Oracle © Celebration
Graciella's message this week is one of jubilation as like-minded people and spiritual kin come together in celebration. We start this week with gratitude as we enter the time of Summer Solstice- a time of balance and harmony. We appreciate the beautiful energies that gather with shared focus and determination together in purpose for the healing of our world. We end this week with the celebration of Independence in America. Graciella asks that you reflect on what independence means to you and what you have chosen to do with yours. She reminds us that none of us is free as long as one of us suffers while captive to another's thoughts, ideals, and actions. She asks us to determine what our actions will be that will help another gain freedom and have the ability to celebrate as do we.
With much love and light,
Graciella and Theresa
If you are interested in a spiritual or astrological consultation, please reach out. It would be an honor to read for you Theresa Varela | Home