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Writer's pictureTheresa Varela

Graciella la Gitana's Weekly Message

Graciella la Gitana Oracle © The West

The West:

Graciella brings a message of introspection to you this week. By being aware of the mercurial energies in your life, you are encouraged to take time to sit with your inner self and to explore the deep terrains within.

The west symbolizes the internal landscapes that only we as individuals are aware of. We live in the 3D world; however, many of us of are 5D beings: light workers, intuitives, and star seeds. We've chosen to bring light, love, compassion, and healing to the world.

Just as we bathe our physical beings for relaxation, clarity, and health, Graciella reminds us to sit or walk in silence. Assess what is within your soul and how that balances with your outer world. You will be ensued with tranquility and harmony.

With love and rosy light,

Graciella and Theresa

If you are interested in a personal reading, we will be honored to sit with you Spiritual Consultation: Individual | theresavarela

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