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Graciella la Gitana Oracle© Weekly reading

Graciella la Gitana Oracle-Temptation


Be open this week to the allure of something new in your life. It appears to you as if from nowhere, but in actuality you have worked hard for it. Think back to a desire that you've had. It can be the offer of a new position, that apartment that you've searched for, or the very basic need of a deep rest that your being has craved.

While the idea of a desire being fulfilled brings joy and wonder, it may evoke feelings of fear. There may be an impulse to deny the opportunity. The idea that you may self-sabotage as your dream comes true seems foreign to you. However, you may very well undermine this offering by shutting the door on it and standing against it. Your chest may very well heave as you deny yourself your desire. Take a deep breath and rethink what your actions will be.

Accept the benefaction although you are tempted to dismiss it. You have toiled for it. You have made sacrifices. Open yourself and allow what you've attracted to come to you.

In light and grace,

Graciella and Theresa

ff you are interested in a personal spiritual consultation, please go to Theresa Varela | Spiritual Consultations and we will happily read for you.

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