Graciella la Gitana Oracle-La Madama
La Madama: Enjoy this week between times with all the energy that you can muster. Behind the scenes concerns, duties, and celebrations take up your energy. There is the closing up of the old and the preparation for the new. You are between times. In this image, Graciella flows majestically down the stairs as she is being toasted by admiring eyes. She too is between two worlds, leaving the one that she has known and going to toward one that will become her new existence. Only this beautiful being is aware of all that this movement between worlds has required. Shall we allow the past to fill our heads with the imaginations that only we can conjure? Will we show ourselves to be glorious in our new roles?
Allow yourself to honor the person that you have become. Give yourself the opportunity and the grace to acknowledge the momentous changes that you have not only survived, but in which you have gloried.
As I stand on the precipice of change, may I honor from whence I have come and be open to the new that the Universes have decreed is for me.
With love and grace,
Graciella and Theresa
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