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October Horoscopes

Welcome October!

Hello! Thank you for visiting today and for opening your arms to embrace and learn the astrological mysteries of your life! You are welcome here! If you know your Sun and Rising Signs read both. If you don't know them, if you'd like to know your moon sign, or would enjoy a full astrological reading, click here to schedule a read Theresa Varela | Spiritual Consultations

On October 14, 2023, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Libra and on October 28, 2023, there will be a Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses symbolize beginnings, endings, and dramatic change. This impacts where you might have gone off in a different direction than your true path. The eclipse will nudge you, strongly, back on to the path you are meant to walk. There is always, of course, true volition; however, the eclipses work with you on an evolutionary spiritual path. Plainly said, they help you get onto the right track, even if you aren’t so thrilled at the time. You will feel in the depth of your marrow, that your process is just as it should be.

Aries and Aries Rising

Be pristine about your health and any exercise programs in which you endeavor to participate in. sense of self is going to be reckoned with. Don’t keep it in. Talk about it. Communicating will help you to grow intrinsically in a way that you could never imagine. This month is a special reminder that you don’t have to do anything on your own and that in fact doing things with others can be life changing.

Taurus and Taurus Rising

This month is about cooperation with others, Taurus. Your words and your actions are important; being you is important. Your larger community may not seem to understand and that can be hard on you in your private world. Do it any way! It’s about you and relationships. The lunar eclipse shines a light on the importance of who you are. A time of you being your full self in the world is initiated.

Gemini and Gemini Rising

This month provides the opportunity for you to balance your outer world of pleasure, including the children in life, and your sex experience. Your private life gives you the changes that you’ve hoped for that may have even been hidden to you. When you go deep in repatterning your daily life and communicating about it you find that how that benefits the secret world that you inhabit.

Cancer and Cancer Rising

Working collaboratively within your home is highlighted this month. Use your communication and community and that can help to soothe the pains that become apparent in your life calling. It may be time for a change. By being mindful and possibly by returning to school will help this. Again, going deep within to reflect on what gives you happiness should be weighed as you engage with the community, groups, and organizations you are involved in. Is it still for you?

Leo and Leo Rising

There will definitely be transformation in the larger calling in your life, such as your social standing. Leaning into your close relationships will help you navigate the changes that take place. No need to face any challenges on your own. Traveling of some sort, whether by a journey to a new city or a trip into research will benefit your process. Major change in home and your larger calling is afoot. Go with it. You will be happy that you did.

Virgo and Virgo Rising

Where you are concerned, in order to be true to yourself, it’s important for you to let your relationships know what is important to you. That ranges from your sense of self to your worth in your feelings, finances, and possessions. Do research in the areas that are sure to change. Be a participant in your life as there are times that you may find that the outside support systems seem nebulous at best.

Libra and Libra Rising

The climate is one in which you are focused on other. That may not be new for you but it’s a time for you to think about how it reflects on how you take care of yourself and not so much others at this time. Your relationships are going to be where you turn when unexpected changes occur. Shine the light on what you need to feel your true authentic self, one you are proud to inhabit.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

This will be a good time for you to go away with family or those relationships that you love. It could be holiday or a gathering space for those special to you. Your relationships hold the key to your healing. Come outside of yourself, you will be glad that you did. Take time to identify, capture, and harness activities that bring you pleasure.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

Involvement in community enterprises may be the balm that helps you to find the things you care so deeply about and the people, places, and things that give you pleasure. Knowing the nouns that are important to you will be useful and beneficial as you carefully incorporate this knowledge in your daily patterns.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

There appears to be much occurring in your world of social standing that is jettisoning ahead, while you tend to the wounds of your upbringing. While this is happening there may be unexpected changes in your domain of life’s pleasure that expand your viewpoint of what life can really be for you and your loved ones. Allow your chosen community to help you through the small passages to the place you want and deserve to be.

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

Exiting your comfort zone takes on an even deeper meaning as you learn, study, and broaden your horizons with other like-minded people. Your process will help you understand more of where you come from as you grow into being more of the person you truly are. Disruptions in home life may not be easy but a feminine energy will help through this deep transformational quest.

Pisces and Pisces Rising

You may feel some constraint as you encounter profound change that incorporate matters that seem to be of life and death significance. Know that, most likely, your fortunes will be impacted beneficially. Accordingly, your sense of self-worth, talent, and finances and your activities in local community activities will be expanded. You, too, may be highly influenced from inner or outer journeying that initiate you toward new heights in your life, whether it be a trip to the university library or to a new land.

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