Read your Sun sign and Rising Sign for insight into this month's energetic shifts. As always, communication is key. If you’d like a personalized astrological reading or spiritual consultations, feel free to contact me at Theresa Varela | Spiritual Consultations. It would be a pleasure and an honor to read for you. Please have your location, date and time of birth available when you schedule your personal reading.
Aries and Aries Rising
Use this month to work though home and family issues that will bring you deep understanding and healing. Friends can help make the process all the sweeter through support and work will give you the distractions you desire. Care for your spirit with long nurturing weekends, calm retreats, or walks along the shore. By the end of the month, you’ll be using your analytical skills to work on your career.
Taurus and Taurus Rising
Embrace the disruptions as you envision what you believe your calling to be in your life. Venus lends sweetness to all you experience. Lean on your deep spiritual foundations and your connections to higher knowledge. As above, so below. During the latter part of the month, you will continue to learn to navigate the newness of your life.
Gemini and Gemini Rising
Take pause and sit back from imposing your desires onto your partners and benefactors especially since you may change your mind when you realize that your higher perspectives may differ and that all is as it should be. Let our friends and community help you through while you refrain from projecting your hurts onto others. We are all children of the Universe. Be kind to yourself and those in your environment.
Cancer and Cancer Rising
Remember to nurture and care deeply for yourself as you come head-to-head with a prominent relationship. Be sure to speak up in the planning and ask for what you believe is in your best interest. While your inner circle may set limits financially and your outside circle surprises you. Sweetly verbalizing our desires settles ruffled feathers.
Leo and Leo Rising
Your day-to-day routines of work and health patterning may seem at odds with the divinity of your higher self. You may travel for study and it’s all in the good for you. You may tap into a new career path that is surprising but makes sense to you and is welcome in your daily life. Change is afoot. Your partner or a close relationship may step in to give you the support you crave.
Virgo and Virgo Rising
You may find you question where the good fortune and the luck is in your creative life. Take this month to reflect on the benefactor that is your higher self. Your love of creativity may turn into tedium when you forget your connection with the divine Universes. The inner contentment and pleasure you derive from your manifested works is the key to external manifestation of success. The inner must come before the outer.
Libra and Libra Rising
As always, relationships provide the opportunities for deep healing of the self. Your past lives at home and bestowed upon you from your lineage intertwine with your present existence. Speak out loudly to the Universes asking for clarity in your life creations. Sudden revelations in how you relate to others that impact your self-worth will be revealed and be the balmy medium for healing your soul and other’s surrounding you.
Scorpio and Scorpio Rising
Continue the intricate process of change that becomes more apparent and palpable in your daily life. By working on routines that incorporate health practices, locally connecting with family and friends that differences you have accomplished. Since the lunar eclipses have established make more sense to you. In areas that are uncertain continue to tread water, you will be strengthened and conditioned.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising
Opportunities abound to make the necessary changes for you to fully take charge while fulfilling your sense of self-worth. The plans that you make may be foreign to family and that’s all right in the larger picture. They may be unclear, but you will have the clarity you need and that’s what matters most. Your unexpected change in your daily routines make for lifting of the self in your career. Don’t let your family hold you back as you birth your creative career.
Capricorn and Capricorn Rising
This is your season, Capricorn, and you shine. Your tendency to plan, analyze, and plan again may impact those close to you who might prefer more of an emotional connection. Someone of a feminine persuasion may try to keep your elan under wraps. Continue to be your special you. Show up and speak up keeping in mind there are others in the room.
Aquarius and Aquarius Rising
Feeling stifled or tight in the collar? Work on releasing that energy with a short vacation with friends, a luxurious spa, or spiritual retreat. Use this time to replenish and recharge after a holiday season that may have left you with more questions than answers. This is a time to acknowledge that your career may not coincide with your family and lineage. Remember that love is the answer and that starts with loving yourself.
Pisces and Pisces Rising
The friends and acquaintances you’ve made in your daily life help you to navigate the murky waters in which you usually swim. Allow them to help you during this busy time in your life, carpooling, picking up dinner, and in all ways that will provide you support. Open your arms to the reciprocation of all that your empathic and sensitive nature has extended to others.