Graciella la Gitana Oracle © Earth
The Earth:
Graciella requests that you consider your relationship to the Earth. By reflecting on our alliance or misalliance to our Earth Mother we receive information as to how we treat ourselves. How we do that, whether it be superficially, or deeply and lovingly. By nurturing all of our aspects we affect the results we experience. Graciella does not want to convey the message that illness or poverty or strife is of our own doing. She does, however, implore you to be truthful to yourself on how you treat yourself in the darkness of your lair. The Earth is us and we are the Earth. The health of our Earth Mother is dependent on our patterns in the mundane world.
What do you nourish your physical body with? How do you feed the Earth? How do you cleanse yourself of unwanted energies? Do you make sure the soil you walk upon is left pristine, free of unwanted trash or toxic materials? We are each responsible in different ways. What have you done to assume your responsibility?
Leave a comment below. We'd love to know.
Much light and love,
Graciella and Theresa